Mar 11, 2009


Date with Mom and Dad
1. Starting the day with a rooty tooty fresh and fruity breakfast.

2. Getting "Bangs"

3. Cold Stone
Peanut butter ice cream with a Reece's cup mix in

4. Get some goldfish

2 for her and 2 for Mckray.

(sadly "swimmie" passed suddenly)
Having one on one time with our baby girl
is priceless and unforgettable.
Journey.......You are my sunshine.


Joe and Frances said...

How fun, she is so cute. I think her and Ava look so much alike. They both have the freckles and blonde blonde hair. It is crazy.

Emilee said...

Journey is the cutest little thing in the world. I love the bangs! Too bad about swimmie. Goldfish always remind me of my sister's goldfish "Go-Go" which I mistakenly sent to a happier place. 23 years and I still feel bad. It looks like you guys had a very fun day. You guys are such great parents.

Sweet Caroline said...

Um...can I be adopted? I want a one-on-one date too!!!